
Men Seeking Love Should Definitely Use A Professional Matchmaker

Many new singles entering the dating world are discovering that it’s not that easy to find that special someone. Today…

My One Amor

Video Chat Before A First Date Is A Must

We all Facetime with friends and family. Video chat became the only way to date or meet during the lockdowns.…

My One Amor

How To Meet The Right Man When Dating

After our article about the issues with women trying to meet quality men, we wanted to publish a little help.…

My One Amor

One of the Most Common Dating Complaints I Hear From Men

On my Instagram page I posed the question, "What is your biggest frustration with dating?" Wow, did I get a…

Alexis Meads

How To Love Yourself Through Dating Disappointments and Heartbreak

Dating is risky. It can lead to heartbreak, anger, sadness, and bring up all kinds of feelings of rejection. Feelings…

Alexis Meads

Why the Idea of “Having It All” Is Damaging Us

As I scroll through my Instagram feed I see beautiful glossy images. Images of gorgeous women and their boyfriends traveling…

Alexis Meads

10 Helpful Things To Remember When You’re Healing Post Breakup

I know how it feels to be crying my eyes out, yet again, over someone that I've tried to get…

Alexis Meads

10 Different First Date Ideas That Don’t Involve Happy Hour

Whenever I was asked out on a first date, it always seemed to be an endless array of happy hour…

Alexis Meads

You Can Just Peel The Potatoes.

"You can pray to God while peeling the potatoes. Or, you can just peel the potatoes." My sister said this…

Alexis Meads

25 Tiny But Valuable Ways To Practice the Art of Self-Care

I’ve gotten requests from a lot of women who have said, okay, I’m working on thinking more positively, but I’d…

Alexis Meads