How To Listen To Your Intuition In Relationships

I know how it feels to overthink everything.

I’m a thinker. I like reason and rationality. I like weighing the pros and cons.

In truth, when making a decision (seriously, anything from what flavor ice cream to eat to if my husband was the right person to marry) all that thinking got me nowhere.

I usually ended up feeling more confused, worried and afraid of making the wrong choice.

The key piece that was missing is using your intuition. This is a gift that every woman has but rarely uses.

I’ve learned the difference between my intuition and the voice of my ego and want to teach it to you.

The beauty is that once you know how to listen to your intuition, you have an inner compass that will always steer you in the right direction.

Your intuition is an inner compass that will steer you in the right direction.

And you’ll understand when fear is a compass pointing you in the direction your heart wants you to go.

So how do you understand the difference between heart and head?

1. Ego is repetitive and speaks very quickly. If there’s something that you have thought over and over again, and it goes through your head very fast, that is not your intuition. When you notice this is happening I want you to pause, take a nice deep breath filling your body with life, and ask yourself “what do I really need to know?”

2. Notice the content of your thoughts. Ego will often tell you that you’re not enough, or that you should be worried, or that you don’t have what it takes. Your inner guide will never tell you that you should be afraid. It is simple and supportive. My inner guide often starts with “My dear one…” It feels like a very loving mother.

3. The voice of fear feels like it’s coming directly from your mind. Intuition can feel other-wordly, as though it’s coming through you and into your heart. The way I get in touch with my intuition is with journaling. I write everything going through my head, take a deep breath, and ask for guidance. I then slowly write whatever comes to mind, trusting that it is true wisdom.

4. Just because intuition is quiet doesn’t mean she doesn’t know her sh*t.
The intuitive voice is usually quiet and soft. It guides you rather than directs you. It whispers rather than shouts. You may hear her at first and not trust her. You may think it’s an idiotic idea, all made up in your mind, not based in reality. It may even seem unreliable.

Decide for a week that you will base all your decisions off of intuition. If you want to stay up to watch another rerun of 30 Rock and she says “go to bed” do it. If your head says “plan a birthday party” when your intuition says “stay home” give it a try.

Write down what happens as you consistently follow the gut instinct.

This takes some practice. We’re human and we make mistakes. We’ll procrastinate, make hasty decisions, or say something we’re not proud of.

And that’s okay.

As you learn to be guided by your heart, you’ll notice a difference in your thoughts and therefore your actions. You’ll feel more content, and life will begin to flow with greater ease.

You’re always supported, and I am always here for you.

Let me know in the comments below, when have you followed your intuition that’s led to the outcome you wanted or needed?




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