Introducing You To My New Baby Boy

This post will be short and sweet:

I just wanted to introduce you to my new baby boy!

Our second son, Case Michael, was born on February 5th weighing in at 6 lbs and 11 oz.

He is just the sweetest baby and both myself and him are doing well.

Unlike with my first son, where I tried to steamroll over all of the uncomfortable feelings I was going through, this time I’m just allowing myself to relax and enjoy.

Right now you are most likely to find me in a rocking chair in his nursery breast feeding and reading a book or staring out the window.

When I think about my life just 10 years ago the difference between now and then is astounding.

One isn’t necessarily better than the other…but just…so different.

Ten years ago you would hardly have found me at my apartment at all. If I wasn’t at work I was attending classes, at the gym, on a date, or out for drinks with friends and coworkers.

My life was jam packed.

Today I’ve done what I never thought I’d allow myself to do.

Give myself space. Breathing room. Say no to opportunities that I’d like to say yes to. Be present. Pay attention. Attempt (and sometimes fail) to be the best mother I can be.

Sometimes in life you need to pull back and find your focus.

Focusing on what matters most is hard work, but it’s the best kind of hard work. It’s the work that leaves you often exhausted but grateful, not striving to be perfect but full of grace.

This is just one season of my life. It reminds me of winter.

In the winter we go inward, we build strength, allow for peace and quiet, and get ready to bloom again.

What season are you in right now? If you were to follow your heart and find your focus, what would that be?


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