Crazy Wild Love Academy Price Increase Tonight!

What I’m about to say is really important, so please take the time to read it.

Every time I offer this program, I have women email me:

“Alexis, I really love your program but I’m just not sure it’s the right time…”

“I just started a new job so things are really busy.”

“I’m not sure if I can spend the money right now.”

“I’d rather wait until it’s the right time, when are you doing it next?”

First off, I won’t be offering the Crazy Wild Love Academy again until fall of 2018, and this is the last time I will be offering it at this price, but more important is this attitude that we can’t spend the time cultivating more important aspects of our lives — our happiness, self-confidence, and love life — is what’s gotten us feeling so stuck.

I too have been caught in that loop where I wanted to wait to invest in myself until I had the right time, energy, money, but the truth is it never happens.

You have to create the time.

And what’s so great about the Crazy Wild Love Academy is that it’s meant to fit into your life, not take over your life.

I’ve had many clients come to me feeling like dating has become a full time job and they dread it. No. Dating needs to be simple and fun.

If it’s taken over all of your physical and mental energy, something needs to change, and I’ll help you change it.

With CWLA you get a lifetime membership, so even if you fall behind, you can access the program over and over again.

The only investment that is always worth making is the investment in ourselves.

If you’re still having a hard time justifying it, try thinking about it this way.


How good it will feel holding your head up high walking down the street, with authentic self-worth and true inner beauty shining through.

If you were booked out all month for dates with high-quality men, without worrying anymore about sitting home alone on a Friday night.

If you got the attention of all the men in the room, any room, because your attraction factor (something we cover in CWLA) is on high.

Losing the overwhelming sense of dread that no matter what you do, you’re going to wind up single of having to settle.

How proud and confident you’ll feel what you have that love breakthrough that allows you to get off the dating roller coaster FOREVER, spending your life with your soulmate.

That — and so much more — is what is possible for you.

There are so many incredible women already enrolled in the Crazy Wild Love Academy and seeing results in their love lives.

I know making a commitment isn’t easy, but love loves commitment, and being stuck in a rut is far worse.

It would be an honor to have you join us and now is your last chance to get the $100 off early bird price. Plus there is a risk free guarantee.

This offer expires at midnight Pacific Time tonight. You can sign up here.

With love and appreciation,


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