I’m Afraid I’ll Be Alone Forever

One of the fears that I hear most from women is “I’m afraid I’ll be alone forever.” I know that when you’ve gone through a terrible breakup, felt like you’ve had more failed dates than you can count, and see many of your friends getting engaged or married, it’s easy to feel like you may be alone forever. But let me tell you…you won’t.

I’ve been doing this work for 6 years now and the majority of clients who have come to me, secretly terrified that they’ll end up alone with their 50 cats, have in time found their person.

Maybe your fear is….

“I’m not sure the kind of guy I want would ever be attracted to me.”

“I’ve had so much heartbreak I’m starting to think I’m just broken.”

“I do NOT want to settle, I’m come too far for that!”

Your unique life path has led you to these fears, and yet the solution, the path back to love, is always the same.

That’s why I’ve created the Crazy Wild Love Academy for you.

Will it really be worth it? Will it really work for me?

The CWLA experience, which includes lifetime access and a global community, is simply like NO other program. Period.

Since registration (and the early bird pricing) is onlly open a few more days I want to make sure you hear a few things straight from me.

I created CWLA because I wanted to help women create extraordinary relationships that are fully aligned with their hearts, values, and integrity.

I’ve been a love coach for 6+ years, have worked with hundreds of women all over the world, have coached Tony Robbins clients, and can help you find love, too.

One of the women in our program, Kiri,was exactly where you are now, wondering if CWLA is the right decision.

“I am thrilled to share that the amazing man I met while I was doing CWLA is now my husband! After being a single wedding planner for years, this has been a dream come true.”

As long as you’re willing to set a new standard for yourself, and do the work, I believe CWLA can be a radical transformation in life and love.

Love is too important to wait.

You’ve probably been dreaming of finding the RIGHT man for a very long time.

I want to encourage you to say YES to love today because having that amazing man waiting for you with a glass of wine when you come home from a long day, to make love with until noon on a Sunday morning, to run his hands through your hair and tell you that everything will be OK — it’s priceless.

The early bird pricing is only open until tomorrow with the complimentary private session, and my assistant and I are available to answer any questions.

Just reply to this email and we’ll do our best to help.


That’s it for me 😉

If it’s right for you, I truly hope I get the chance to work with you in Crazy Wild Love Academy.


P.S. This year, 5% of the proceeds from CWLA go to helping TreeSisters, a non-profit organization inspiring a reforestation revolution.

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