  • What To Do When You Notice He's Pulling Away

What To Do When You Notice He’s Pulling Away

We've all been there. You talked to him for hours on your first date. There were definite sparks. It didn't take long for him to lean in for your first kiss. That's when you were hooked. You saw all the potential in him. All the potential for your future life together. You told yourself not to get too excited in case it didn't work out. In case you jinx it. But everything seemed ...

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By |2020-07-20T20:29:48+00:0030th November 2018|Dating|4 Comments
  • how to trust again after a bad breakup

How To Trust Again After A Bad Breakup

"I don't know how you do it," a client recently said to me during one of our sessions. "If I had to hear myself and other women endlessly talk about an ex-boyfriend, I'd roll my eyes and tell them to just get over it." I told her that just getting over it is easier said than done until you're the person going through it. I know this because I've been through all of ...

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By |2018-12-29T13:27:48+00:0017th November 2018|Relationships|Comments Off on How To Trust Again After A Bad Breakup
  • Are You Falling Into 'Cool Girl Syndrome' When You Date?

Are You Falling Into Cool Girl Syndrome When You Date?

This month in the Dating Cocktail Lounge, a monthly membership for finding true love, we've been discussing the difference between the dating trend called Breezing, vs. what I call Cool Girl Syndrome. The key is to know are you falling into cool girl syndrome? One of the girls in the group commented that she has a hard time being the ‘carefree cool girl’. She'd act like it because she knew that’s what guys ...

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By |2018-11-21T22:57:08+00:0016th November 2018|Dating|Comments Off on Are You Falling Into Cool Girl Syndrome When You Date?
  • 3 Rules For Dating Online Without Losing Your Sanity

3 Rules For Dating Online Without Losing Your Sanity

I've been thinking a lot about online dating lately as the conversation has come up numerous times with my clients and in The Dating Cocktail Lounge. The thing is that no one really seems to like online dating. It's almost as if dating online has become something we simply have to tolerate to date in the 21st century. So I came up with 3 of my personal rules for dating online without losing ...

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By |2018-12-29T13:28:40+00:0015th October 2018|Dating|Comments Off on 3 Rules For Dating Online Without Losing Your Sanity

I’m finally coming back to life…here’s where I’ve been.

I hope you enjoyed those last days of summer and celebrating with sunshine, watermelon, and perhaps a cocktail or two ;) As much as I look forward to summer, I love when that crisp air rolls through and birds start their migration, indicating fall is on it's way. I want to start by addressing the elephant in the room. And that is that I haven't really been around, much less written to you ...

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By |2018-10-07T22:37:54+00:007th October 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment
  • How to avoid dating app pen pals

How To Avoid Dating App Pen Pals

Hi, I wanted to share another story from My One Amor about how to avoid dating app pen pals. This is some very straight forward advice, for someone using a dating app, that makes a lot of sense. It was written by a serial dater who contributes. When it comes to online dating there are clearly several categories of people. Depending on what you are looking for, your approach to messaging will be ...

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By |2020-07-20T20:22:32+00:0021st July 2018|Dating|1 Comment
  • Is dating coaching really important for 2018

Is Dating Coaching Really Important for 2018 ?

Hi, I wanted to share part of a story that was written in a dating advice blog called My One Amor. This story was written by a serial dater that portrays a unique perspective about the importance of dating coaching in today’s world of dating. I call it Is Dating Coaching Really Important for 2018 ? Is Dating Coaching Really Important for 2018 ? There are a number of dating coach and professional ...

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By |2018-07-09T13:30:16+00:007th July 2018|Dating|Comments Off on Is Dating Coaching Really Important for 2018 ?
  • How to Balance Getting Too Excited About A First Date

How to Balance Getting Too Excited About A First Date

I know the emotional tightrope it takes to balance between staying positive about dating but not getting your hopes up too high because one more disappointment could crush you. I'm going to tell you a story that seems like it has nothing to do with dating but everything to do with how to balance getting too excited about a first date. Last Wednesday my son was staring out the window at a landscaper ...

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By |2020-07-20T20:15:56+00:009th May 2018|Dating|8 Comments
  • will he ever come back to me

Will He Ever Come Back To Me Again?

BIG NEWS UPDATE (June 16, 2020)  Our LIVE Instant Coaching is NOW AVAILABLE at https://datingcoachlive.com/ "The connection was intense. Perhaps the most incredible, passionate connection I've ever had with a guy. Ever. He messaged me every single day and we went on these wonderful dates, talking and flirting for hours. After a while he told me he needed time and wasn't sure what he was feeling. I don't understand. Didn't he feel the ...

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By |2020-06-17T16:32:42+00:0024th April 2018|Dating, Relationships|1 Comment
  • Are You Ready For The One? Take The Free Quiz!

Are You Ready For The One? Take The Free Quiz!

Are you ready for The One? Take the free quiz! I usually only give this quiz to my private clients, but I've made it available to all of you for free. The quiz will give you a pulse on your actual readiness for finding, meeting, and keeping 'The One'. Often people say that they're ready for The One, but there are many things that can block you that you may not be aware ...

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By |2018-04-21T06:11:00+00:0021st April 2018|Dating|Comments Off on Are You Ready For The One? Take The Free Quiz!
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