  • 7 Lessons In Love I Wished I'd Learned Sooner

7 Lessons In Love I Wished I’d Learned Sooner

“These are for you,” he said, handing me a dozen red roses and a teddy bear before leaning in to kiss me. My first boyfriend, Danny, was standing in the doorway in full army fatigues. He was picking me up on a warm Friday evening in July to take me out to dinner and a movie. We drove a half hour to the Columbia Mall in the suburbs of Baltimore and ate at ...

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By |2019-05-20T03:16:38+00:0020th May 2019|Relationships|Comments Off on 7 Lessons In Love I Wished I’d Learned Sooner
  • How to cope with dating disappointments as a spiritual practice

How to cope with dating disappointments as a spiritual practice

Someone in the Dating Cocktail Lounge recently posted that they're struggling with coping through dating disappointments. Dating can be difficult, it's hard putting yourself out there, getting excited and then feeling let down. I started talking to a guy off bumble and we were in the middle of planning a date for that evening when he just went silent. Never heard back again. The idea to do it that day was even his ...

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By |2019-04-30T18:43:41+00:0030th April 2019|Dating, Inspiration|5 Comments
  • How to Strengthen Self Love for an Amazing Relationship

How to Strengthen Self Love for an Amazing Relationship

I began my coaching career purely as a self-love coach. It took a long time for the meaning of self-love to really come into focus for me, as well as it's role in relationships, but I still stand by it's importance today. I recently read Brene Brown's book "Daring Greatly", in which her research data proves that self-love is foundational to loving others and receiving love in return. However, there may still be ...

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By |2019-04-08T18:33:56+00:008th April 2019|Self-Love|2 Comments
  • 4 Things I've Learned As A Dating Coach To Date With More Joy

4 Things I’ve Learned As A Dating Coach To Date With More Joy

I've been a Professional Dating Coach for 7 years now, and had been on countless dates before that and meeting my husband. While there is no such thing as fully stress free dating, there are some key things I've learned to help clients date and have more fun along the way. Here are 4 things I've learned as a dating coach to date with more joy. “If I can see pain in your ...

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By |2019-04-15T18:56:54+00:0023rd March 2019|Dating|Comments Off on 4 Things I’ve Learned As A Dating Coach To Date With More Joy

Low Self-Esteem? It doesn’t have to be a roadblock on the way to love.

I read loads of dating advice for women. So much of it seems to be geared toward the woman who has it all, except for her lover. I see email headlines that read,  “If you are a Powerful and Confident Women who is Ready to Find the Love of your Life, Click the Link Below”. One of my personal favorites is, “You know you are a great catch, confident, funny, smart, you have ...

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By |2019-03-14T20:27:02+00:0014th March 2019|Self-Love|2 Comments

Introducing You To My New Baby Boy

This post will be short and sweet: I just wanted to introduce you to my new baby boy! Our second son, Case Michael, was born on February 5th weighing in at 6 lbs and 11 oz. He is just the sweetest baby and both myself and him are doing well. Unlike with my first son, where I tried to steamroll over all of the uncomfortable feelings I was going through, this time I'm ...

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By |2019-02-20T20:52:28+00:0020th February 2019|Motherhood|21 Comments
  • Alexis Meads Podcast Bringing Self Love Into a New Relationship

Happy Thursday Podcast: Bringing Self Love Into a New Relationship

Amidst all the dating advice, all of the “do this” and “don’t do that” you’ll often find that a lot of that noise is geared towards helping you prepare for your relationships with others. But one of the most important relationships that you will have, and which will set the precedent for all others, is the one you have with yourself! It sounds so simple, yet self-love and self-care are not always prioritized ...

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By |2019-01-17T18:27:51+00:0017th January 2019|Dating, Self-Love|Comments Off on Happy Thursday Podcast: Bringing Self Love Into a New Relationship
  • The Real Secret To Flirting And Meeting Men In The Real World

The Real Secret To Flirting And Meeting Men In The Real World

I've talked to my clients often about body language, confidence, and flirting with ease. When I looked back on my own dating life, and wondered what came naturally to meet that attracted men, I realized the real secret to flirting and meeting men in the real world. The truth is that it's not about looks alone. In fact, there was a study done by researcher Dr. Monica Moore that actually showed there was ...

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By |2019-01-17T18:12:52+00:0017th January 2019|Dating|2 Comments
  • Did my breakup actually happen for a reason?

Did my breakup actually happen for a reason?

When we go through a particularly difficult breakup, one of the most natural questions we end up asking ourselves is, did my breakup actually happen for a reason? We want to seek meaning and answers. We want to know why. And just maybe, maybe, if it happened for some yet unknown but greater reason, a reason that's unseen for those of us who believe in fate, then we can live with it. Then ...

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By |2019-01-16T21:25:16+00:0016th January 2019|Relationships|1 Comment
  • 7 Ways To Set Up Your New Year’s Resolution

7 Ways To Set Up Your New Year’s Resolution

Over the years, prompted by various ‘experts’, I’ve tried every kind of New Year's practice under the sun including elaborate goal setting to future journaling to creating gratitude lists. In this article, rather than telling you the right method for you, I'm going to give you 7 ways to set up your New Year's resolution, in order to choose the one that works best for where you are right now. I posted the ...

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By |2018-12-31T04:46:53+00:0031st December 2018|Inspiration|2 Comments
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