The Reason Why Men Pull Away Right When You're Most Attracted To Them

The reason men pull away when most attracted to them

A dear reader recently wrote to me who said: Hi Alexis, For the first time in my life I slept with a guy after the second date. We have an awesome time together in conversation and great physical connection, but after 5 dates I feel like he’s pulling back. He still texts every day but…

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Will There Be A Second Date?

Alexis Meads AMNW

If you’re single and dating, how do you know when a first date should move to a second? I had so much fun on AM Northwest telling them all about it! Click here to watch. There are two parts to whether or not there will be a second date: the first is looking at what…

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How to get through a breakup of a long term relationship


I know how it feels to be crying my eyes out, yet again, over someone that I’ve tried to get over but still loved. Breakups are not only hard, the loss of a relationship can often be just as painful as actually losing a loved one. And it makes sense – this person that you…

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Happy Sunday Podcast: How to Change Your Relationship Status Permanently

Alexis Meads Happy Sunday Podcast

The other night I was at a beautiful candlelit yoga class sinking into a seated pigeon pose. The teacher kept instruction us to just “let go”. Trying to be dutiful, I’d be twisting into a position, breathing through the pain of my tight muscles, and attempting to let go, knowing that I only had so…

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